Prepper's Long-Term Survival Guide: 2nd Edition: Food, Shelter, Security, Off-the-Grid Power, and More Lifesaving Strategies for Self-Sufficient Living (Expanded and Revised) (Books for Preppers)

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Prepper's Long-Term Survival Guide: 2nd Edition: Food, Shelter, Security, Off-the-Grid Power, and More Lifesaving Strategies for Self-Sufficient Living (Expanded and Revised) (Books for Preppers) 1646044444

Product Overview

Author: Cobb, Jim

Edition: Expanded

Number Of Pages: 240

Release Date: 03-01-2023

Details: Prepare yourself for any life-threatening event with this fully updated, step-by-step survivalist guide from best-selling author and expert Jim Cobb. The preparation you make for a hurricane, earthquake, disease outbreak, or other short-term disaster will not keep you alive in the event of widespread systemic collapse. Some preparation books teach you the basics on how to survive until society goes back to normal. But what happens after the first thirty days, sixty days, and beyond? That’s where The Prepper’s Long-Term Survival Guide comes in. Written by best-selling author and prepping expert Jim Cobb, this fully updated edition offers new techniques and advanced tactics, including: How to properly store and preserve food Recipes made with easy-to-preserve ingredients Techniques on how to collect water for drink and hygiene Basic first aid and medical-treatment skills essential in survival situations Easy-to-follow tips for an off-the-grid life And more! This second edition book gives real-life techniques for survival events. Learn how to live a life off the grid and ready for anything life throws at you.

EAN: 9781646044443


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